如果有人说怀有希望是错误的话,If you told me it was wrong to harbour hope,
「不是这样的。」I would tell you that it wasn't wrong.
无论多少次我都会这样回答,I'd say it as many times as necessary.
无论什么时候我都这样坚持。I'd keep saying it forever.
重复 无论多少次我都将重复。I'll repeat it. I'll continue to repeat it over and over.
小圆 我唯一的朋友,Visiting the same time again and again, searching for the single way out.
为了你,如果是为了你,Madoka... my one and only friend.
即使我被困在永远的迷宫中,If it's... If it's for you,
也在所不惜。I have no problem being trapped eternally in this maze.
连小焰都会为之哭泣的痛苦的事情If it's hard to the point to make you cry, you, Homura,
我怎么可能忍受得了呢how can i bear it?
我啊, 和谁都不想分开呢I don't want to say goodbye to anyone.
就算是到了别无选择的时候Even if there was no other way,
我也没有那种勇气的I would not have this courage.
静静偎依在我身旁,Come closer quietly,
不要再往他方。don't go anywhere.
在窗边婉转歌唱,Chirp your song by the window,
无论失去什么珍贵之物。don't go anywhere.
—— 梶浦由記《君の銀の庭》 - Your Silver Garden, Yuki Kajiura -
Happy birthday, Madoka!
10/3/2011 - Madoka's 0th birthday
Merry Christmas!
七夕快乐!Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!
晚安,小焰~Good night, Homura-chan ~
晚安,小圆。Good night, Madoka.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness,
only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate,
only love can do that.
Your sin, I bear.
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